Page 7 - GB-4000 Brochure
P. 7

range. These higher harmonic frequencies were           this should have been sufficient proof these

        not square wave harmonic frequencies but were           methods worked, but this is not the case. We
        created using harmonic sideband frequencies. In         have been successfully using these methods for
        our GB-4000, SR-4 and M.O.P.A. we have in-              over 18 years now, running up to 8 audio fre-

        cluded all of the methods used in the original ma-      quencies     simultaneously.    Some    competitors
        chines so the user can use any of these original        speak negatively about running multiple audio

        methods. It is stated in the original documents         frequencies trying to convince potential custom-
        that the number 5 worked better than any of the         ers it doesn’t work. They claim two different
        previous 4 machines. Even though the original           things. We quote: “it reduces the power of the

        number 5 had this multiple harmonic sideband            frequencies so they will not work” or it creates,
        capabilities when it was built in 1936, later in the    “very inefficient “noise” like an

        1950s they updated the number 5 machine so it           orchestra where every instrument plays a differ-
        could run and output 10 audio frequencies simul-        ent tune creating an incredible cacophony taking
        taneously. They certainly would not have done           away from the clarity of the signal.”

        this if it would have negatively affected how well          The original number 5 machine had a power
        the original machine worked. This was done for          output of 75 watts and the use of these methods

        the time-saving benefit it gave to the user. Today      did not affect the power of the frequencies or
        many programs that are used may have from 5 to          how    well   those    frequencies    worked.    The
        over thirty frequencies and each frequency is run       M.O.P.A. has a maximum power output of 190

        for 3 to 5 minutes. This could take up a lot of time    watts which is over 2 times more powerful than
        which most people do not have. Consider this            the original machine, so power in the frequencies

        fact, if you had 8 frequencies to run for 3 minutes     could never be a problem. Clarity of frequencies
        each it would take 24 minutes to run all 8 fre-         could not be a problem either because they did

        quencies. With our instruments, it would only           not have this problem with the original number 5
        take 3 minutes, not 24 minutes. It is easy to see       machine. Today communication technology is
        why in the 1950s they added this time saving            capable of sending hundreds of frequencies sim-

        multiple audio frequency capability.                    ultaneously over copper or fiber optic transmis-
           Even though the original number 5 machine,           sion lines without the loss of “clarity with noise

        which worked better than any of the previous 4          like frequencies.” These claims are nothing more
        machines, successfully used this multiple har-          than a Red Herring. “A Red Herring is something

        monic sideband and audio frequency methods              that misleads or distracts from a relevant or im-

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