Blues By William Duffy, "Try To Quit
If You Think It's Not a Drug!" This book
will change your life . . . hold on to
your seatbelts!
Breath of Life By Kozo Nishino
(Understand this book, apply the
techniques and your life will never be
the same! Book is VERY hard to get. I
wonder why?)
Power vs.
Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human
Behavior By David R. Hawkins, MD.,
PhD., Sedona Arizona:
Veritas Publishing; 1995. 310 pp
The Eye
of the I By David R. Hawkins, MD.,
PhD., Sedona Arizona:
Veritas Publishing
Your Body with Oxygen By Ed McCabe
Message From Water (Volumes 1, 2, 3)
By Dr. Masaru Emoto (
Secrets of Ancient Geometry and Its Use
(1967) by Tons Brunés (More
Information HERE)
The 1560
Geneva Bible (This is the most
technically correct version of any bible
available, as opposed to the corrupted
and deliberately mis-translated King
James version that is commonly used
today. In my thousands of visits to used
bookstores throughout the world, I have
NEVER found a used copy of this book. I
wonder why?) (
Water &
Salt - The Essence of Life by Dr.
Barbara Hendel, MD and Peter Ferreira
Contact From The Pleiades Volumes 1 & 2
by Lee J. Elders (Out-Of-Print, Large
Picture Books, Outstanding. As a pilot
myself, I have spent over 18 years
investigating this specific case and my
verdict is: This Is The Real Item!